we are the ones
who tire of seeking
his benovolent heart.
Satan tempts with
procrastination through
the days of probation.
Delaying repentance today
is your choice and satan
steals happiness from you.
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Sin inflicts a never-ending
and clean and lovely and pureand honourableand righteousand holy.In the final analysis,the verdict is thatman is without excuse.
We promise you great God
everyday life with Godand understand how greatis your gracious love for us.We value your closeness.We were joyful and hilarious.Exuberance and cheerfulnesshave shaped the past days.Today we ask questionsabout our own self and life.Where am I?Who am I?Where do I go?Where will my journey end?Give us and our lifea special direction.We need adifferent lifestyle.
The first name for
‘The Way’ becauseit was essentiallya spiritual anda mystical journeywhich involveddying manytimes over.Practicing theselflessness thatenables a personto be filled withsufficient graceto be united withChrist is a longand painful process.
Consciousness is something
anywhere anytime.For example, if you’re readingas you are now, you can beginby just becoming awareof reading these words.Start then to become awareof your own breathing, andof your body sitting in the chair.Next, become aware ofthe various sounds youcan hear around you.Look around and perceivethe light and colours ofthe things you can see.Practice regularly tobe aware…
I see love
my heartto touchthe depthsof my heart.
Dear God,
toovercomemy jealousyand feel loved.Nothing and noone is mine.But one daymaybe I canfeel belongedto somethingsomeone,or somewhere.Maybe, thenI can be fully andunconditionallyloved.