She was lukewarm to what I said gently
She waited for no time and replied instantly
As it happens in most of the cases
One has to wait endlessly and desperately chase
When it comes to cement it with permanent relation
Whole of the things change with all the equations
We were school time friends and remained together
She was extra ordinarily smart and always shared
Still I ventured into her area and passed on the feelings
She did not offer hostile reaction but demonstrated unwillingness
I tried to remain in fray and pressed still further
There was much at stake and had to be looked after
I caught up with her again and nicely presented
She was little relaxed and hastily consented
‘I am not a girl of submissive nature’
‘Think of it coolly and make it sure’
She was bold and assertive and replied plainly
Now ball was in my court to try it assertively or vainly
She was very much sure of her future plan
Wanted me to be aware of what should be done or can
I knew about her deteriorating health
She was surely pushing towards death
She didn’t say it firmly and decisively
But presented her view point precisely
I was to choose between her and tomorrow
She was not in hurry and kept at low
She was intelligent and wise enough to project
Her way of thinking in clear terms and act
I admired her skill in tackling the deadly disease
She looked at me and waited my view points to release
Why not we remain as friends forever?
She pierced through eyes and sought for cover
I got her hint and declined it politely
‘I want you to be with me’ so accept it quietly
Today she is no more with us
But I still feel her warmth and blind trust
She did whatever she could do to make me happy
I too was on top of the world and remained steady

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