Intheir honey kisses
love flowed like a mirthful rivulet.
Peace slept in their bosoms.
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Poverty is beautiful.
than things,more important than riches,and more importantthan ambitions.Poverty taught me all these.
If you are agitated,
if you are irritated,if you are upset,you make yourself a victim.Leave the situation.Change the situationor free yourselffrom the momentof present irritation.Everything elseis pure nonsenseand insanity.
Godis our
We live trulyonly in His presence.If you take a fish outof water, it dies.When you pluck a treeout of the earth, it dies.When a man is disconnectedfrom God, he dies.
We have to display now
labor of love,steadfast hopein the AlmightyGodwho is beyond and aboveall religions of the worldand joy in theHoly Spirit of Goddespite all thetribulations weare undergoing now.
Christ is from
to everlasting;He is the Authorand Finisher of ourfaith; He is theAlpha and Omega,the First and Last.And when the Christiansreceives confirmationthat Jesusis with themin every eventualityof life, including theirpoverty and pain,it is a cause ofrejoicing fortheir soul.He was crucifiedsheding the lastdrop of blood,but He rose from the deadand lives forevermore.
I want to love you
appreciate youwithout judging you;take yourself seriouslywithout committingto anything;come to you withoutimposing myself on you.