wood—two and
a half cubits long,
a cubit and a half
wide, and a cubit
and a half high.
Overlay it with
pure gold, both
inside and out,
and make a gold
molding around it.
Cast four gold
rings for it
and fasten them
to its four feet,
with two rings
on one side
and two rings
on the other.
Then make poles
of acacia wood
and overlay them
with gold.
Insert the poles
into the rings
on the sides
of the ark to
carry it.
The poles are
to remain in
the rings of
this ark;
they are not
to be removed.
Then put in
the ark the
tablets of the
covenant law,
which I will
give you’.
(Refernce to Exodus 25,10-16 of the Holy Bible)

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