He had trapped her in his attic and she now must live elsewhere
And another might have killed her but for native animals Doug care.
In Garfield in south Gippsland Doug set the possum free
And she ran along by a fence line and quickly climbed gum tree
And halfway up she sat on branch and peeped down sleepily
She looks like an old woman after a night’s booze with a laugh Doug said to me.
One possum less in Doug’s attic but she will find new home
And she has got her babe with her and she won’t feel alone
She may find home in hollow log or seek a warmer bed
The attic of a farmer’s house or ceiling of old shed.
Doug likes all native animals it’s the non natives he hate
And against the descendants of the introduced kind he discriminate
The fox who slaughter native wildlife, the European mouse and rat
The rabbit and the cane toad and the feral pig and cat.
The birds introduced by colonial man the blackbird and song thrush
The Indian mynas who keep populating further out the bush
The starling and the sparrow and the spotted neck Asian dove
For all descendants of non native types Doug Walker show no love.
He brought a brush tail possum to work in a sack in her pouch a baby brush
And he took her with him in work van to a new home out the bush
He had trapped her in his attic and she now must live elsewhere
And another might have killed her but for native animals Doug care.

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