Kept him paced with rejecting,
His innervision coming from within himself.
And he had no plans to schedule a meeting,
Anytime soon.
He had fallen in love,
With beating himself down!
Something he knew he did,
But not honest enough to admit…
He himself has done it!
Infatuated with self loothing,
A smile feared to show upon his face!
And everyday…
He seemed to enjoy the company
Of low self esteem.
He prowled on the scene to display
His thoughtless and mean side.
Establishing his disposition.
But then…
He has found himself by losing,
Concepts of restrictions.
When he slipped and fell on an outspoken yell
That evoked his truth to rescue him,
From conformity.
It was not liked!
And nothing about it,
Struck a note of excitement.
From those who thought his mind had snapped!
He stopped revolving on that dog track!
And barked back to reveal his discomfort.
He has found himself,
By losing myths…
That dragons can not do anything more,
Than blow flame.
Or become upset when little things annoy.
He found himself…
And the right to throw his uptight caution to the wind.
He has found himself by losing…
And leaving that losing self he felt behind,
With excuses to abuse that made this all begin.

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