He remembers the innuendoed gossip…
And the slander done to him,
Still within him often remains.
He remembers his loved ones…
As some withered and died.
He remembers crying alone,
With no one to confide.
He remembers his struggles,
With aches in his body that persisted.
He remembers failed relationships…
With those who could not resist,
Communicating nothing but lies and conflict!
He remembers all of it,
And sometimes with a hidden bitterness that sits!
He remembers what it took,
To get released…to become unhooked.
With faith and a stick-to-itness,
Feeling as if dragging cinder blocks on each foot.
He remembers once being called a maverick!
And how today…
His maverick ways,
Bestows upon him a happiness…
Chartered by conviction.
And nothing he read from ‘how-to-do’ books.
Or afflictions of limiting restrictions.
Could he do it ‘all’ over again?
Probably not!
And why would he choose to?
To prove what?
And to who?

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