And he wrote about the hardships the outcasts did endure
George Crabbe the poet of the English poor.
He lived when Robert Burns rose to fame
And Oliver Goldsmith became a household name
When Gray and Wordsworth their great verses wrote
The poor were championed by George Crabbe the poet.
Had he not written for the poor down trodden race
His verse might be placed in a higher place
He might have written of dashing knight and king
But of the poor alone he chose to sing.
Some say the poems of Crabbe were born of tears
And his verses are not for the wealthier’s ears
And though the wealthy of the poor don’t wish to hear
The poet Crabbe to his feelings was sincere.
He lived when the great poets were in their prime
And to write for England’s poor his only crime
And George Crabbe long dead but we still have his rhyme
And still his verses stand the test of time.

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