Of one into self punishment to keep those kilos down
She goes out in the morning rain and jogs along the town.
She don’t seem overweight to me her figure looks okay
But she looks at a different self she don’t see things that
When she looks in her mirror perhaps to herself she say
I’ve put on a few kilos I have to jog today.
When she looks in her mirror she sees a different face
She sees herself as overweight her figure out of place
Your eyes can only tell you what your eyes want you to see
And the woman jogging in the rain not overweight to me.
I heard her puff and pant aloud as she went jogging by
And by the grimace on her face she did not seem to enjoy
The strenuous sort of exercise her body told her no
But the mirror on her bedroom wall said jog rain, hail or
She has to be a masochist to drive herself through pain
That woman who goes panting by breasts bouncing in the rain
When many others are in bed she jogs along the town
In the gray dawn of early day she puffs uphill and down.

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