In discovering God
the seeker discovers himself.
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higher than theothers forthree reasons:They get aboundless viewand more easilyfind their pointsof direction;they are outof the flightpath of birdsof prey andclear of obstacles;and their flightis accelerateddue to the greaterdepuration ofthe atmosphere.
My soul thirsts for my god.
Allow me to gazetoward you in yourholy sanctuary.My lips shall glorify you.With exultant lipsmy mouth shall praise you.(Pl. read Psalm 63. of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible)
Degenerative diseases
to a vacant lookor lack of recognitionbut nothingcan separate usfrom the love of Godand no one hasthe power to severour fellowship withour heavenly Lord.
Please be love.
gratitude for beinga human, in loveon this earth.Listen to themusic of your soul.Listen to the musicand the birdsoutside your windowon this fine morning.Sit, meditateand be positive.
Marx launched a
and dehumanisationnot in the interestsof a particularsocial class.It supportedthe triumph of theproletariat over thebourgeoisie.It exhaustedhis moral projectbut in favourof certain,timeless,objective,values.
Pray for many bodies
in the name of our God.Please prayerfullyconsider the requestto help the poorand the sick in your areawhere you are living.Do everythingfor the glory of God.Be acaring partnerin helping the poor.