In third World and war ravaged Countries so many condemned to live rough
The Stateless and the homeless and the hungry survival on them is so tough.
I do count myself rather lucky my life is quite good overall
I’m not one who should be complaining since any hard times i cannot recall
I never once went to bed hungry i always have plenty to eat
So many must go without dinner whilst i dine on veggies and meat.
I do count myself rather lucky there are millions far worse off than i
When the reaper will come to claim me ’twill not be of malnutrition I’ll die
By chance of birth i have been lucky and I’m not one who ought to complain
In my life I’ve never experienced the feelings of real hunger pain.
I do count myself rather lucky so many they must live in fear
For their own lives and the lives of their families with danger to them ever near
To me lady luck has been so kind I’ve never known real poverty
In war zones and drought ravaged Countries there are millions far worse off than me.

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