Comes from an adult mind…
Free to express itself from a hiding,
You have yet dealt with.
Don’t be stunned.
Or run away in tears!
With a nose you sniff.
Perhaps you should leave the playground,
Of scraped knees, sandboxes
And petty childish gossip.
I have not been a child for so long.
My adventures have been aged on paths…
That have shown me a life,
To live as it is!
And to find myself alone,
Being accountable for my steps!
Sometimes I have experienced regret.
But like all things I have accepted…
I am blessed not to stay in one spot,
To complain of rain that got me wet!
Nor do I get upset…
If thunder, lightening and clouds,
Are temporarily above my head!
I have felt sunshine too many times…
To find a moment of whining as a means,
That have ever attracted my happiness!
A maturity with learning,
Has come to me it seems!
So if my offensive demeanor,
Comes from an adult mind…
Free to express itself from a hiding,
You have yet dealt with?
Don’t expect an apology.
I only give those when they are meant!
And I feel that one should be given.
And ‘that’ no one else gives to me,
To determine!
I’m in this life to live it!
Not to split from it…
When my feelings are hurt!
Or to dig up dirt to spread.
Don’t expect an apology!
You ‘aint’ gettin’ one of those.
Not from me!