I knew him since he first came south from Kiskeam
To live in Millstreet many decades back.
He was a character in all the best sense
And he had about him such a humorous way
It’s sad to think that he is gone forever
But memories of him with us bound to stay.
For many years he liked the taste of porter
And he went close to self destruction brink
But Davy had the strength to kick the habit
And he was one who conquered demon drink.
But he was the same Davy drunk or sober
An easy going and very friendly bloke
He always entertained you with a story
Or had you laughing at a funny joke.
Another great character gone from Millstreet
But memories of the man will long remain
I’ve known him since I was a school going fellow
When he came down from his native Kiskeam.
And I still often think about my days in Millstreet
Before I left to take the wandering track
And the characters I knew some since departed
And one of those the well liked Davy Mac.

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