But I’ll always be a migrant and others of me will say
He is not one of us he is from far away.
I may well barrack for an A F L Club
And talk of football with my mates in the pub
And they may say of me he is not a bad guy
But he is from far north even as the crow fly.
I may go to parties for to socialize
And chat with the locals and add to the noise
But someone will say by your accent ’tis clear
That you are a person who is not from here.
I may become Naturalized and wave the National flag
And in each Aussie victory join in the big brag
But someone will say he’s not one of our own
Though into our ways in some ways he has grown.
I may laugh at their jokes and with them have a beer
And to them myself i may even endear
But despite my best efforts there is some who will say
He is not one of us he is from far away.

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