Full time is here
With me.
I am
My manifestation
In full.
Living and
Ruling and
I myself
A celestial being
All and full divine.

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another century more
All water in Ganga
have flown down
the bay of Bengal
with all the blood
clotted on the veins
of nymph politicians
and looters of the money
that belong to my fellow men.
I am impatient to see
that day dawn
on my lovely land
although I know
it would take longer
than it is expected,
may be three or four
decades will be gone
before that Sun
rises in my land-
And I am ready
to greet the day,
And for that
I need to live
longer than it would
permit me to believe
That again
A good time is coming
A good regime
A good air around
A good rain of love
A good land of prosperity
A good society to
foster dreams
that all babies born
shall be nourished
till they turn out
to be healthy, happy
and contented grand parents.
I want to live longer
To see this day occur.

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