How could one school of thoughts survived for centuries?
When world was engulfed with clashes and miseries?
I have believed in harmonious existence
There are pretty number of instances
Where neighbors of different religions coexisted
Lived for years still remained aloof and unrelated
How come fanatics raised head all of sudden?
Where from they borrowed idea of one religion even?
How come world be convinced over their ideology?
When they are divided over and still raise the bogey?
I still give some marks to their intolerant attitude
If some one has hurt their sentiments with ingratitude
Some comments about their religion and heads
How that can be all over when no one has heard about or read?
Have we misinterpreted our own religion?
Taken to heart what has been practiced in other regions?
Followed same views and points for adoption?
Where as some change would have been contemplated with action
I read some where that offer another cheek if one is slapped
Don’t laugh at his misery and insult with slightly clapped
Feel unhappy when neighbor is in duress and needs attention
These were all preached and found with almost all with mention
I feel remorse when hear that certain followers massacred
While offering prayers at sacred place when peacefully lead
What was their fault in offering or remembering almighty?
Why do such disgruntled persons claim and later on ask for pity
I wish to raise my banner of revolt under peaceful resolve
Demand for total annihilation if they don’t fall in line and solve
If need be, under one single command and one mission
No mercy whatsoever for their such acts and omission
I can understand their ire for persons of different religion
What logic they provide for persons of same faith in region?
Where should they go for the fear of loosing life?
Have they to live only to face bullets or on edge of knife?

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