of St. Dominic
Jesus crucified,
you will notice
something extraordinary:
Although the Lord is
dead on the cross,
his blood spurts out
as though he were
fully alive with a
beating heart.
This is a truth of
our faith especially
mysterious and refined.
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Loosing in irresponsible
Comparing on thebasis of purely superficialresemblances and withoutserious study of qualitativedifferences, proceeds to identifyall religions and all religiousexperiences with one another.It will assert that they are allequally true and supernaturaland differ only in the accidentsof cultural expression.This tendency is not goodfor a serious interfaith dialogue.
Cosmos, which in Greek
is the root of the word cosmetics.Therefore, the cosmos was,from the start, cosmetic:a beautiful, well-ordered,living reflection of God.‘He spoke, and it came to be;he commanded,and it stood forth’(See Psalm 33: 9of the Holy Bible) .’
We love stories
formedby them.If you asksomeone totell you their story,and then listenclosely, you’lllikely hear thebasic featuresthat are commonto humans.
Jesus spent most
demonstratingthat the outcastsand oppressedmatter: the poor,the lepers, theSamaritans,the women,the fishermen,the orphans,the widows.We shall alsodemonstratewhat Jesus did.
Human beings
in the things they do,the things theyenjoy doing,are playing theirpart as membersof a meaningful universe.It is in be-ing thatmeaning is made,as opposed tobeing made-up,from nothing.
Living in an
living apartfrom the worldas remoteintellectuals,we do not becomebetter Human beings.Never forgetthat we existin the midst of aliving world.Make the mostof being, leadingan authentic lifebecoming anactive part ofthe creative universe.