To place you not in a shrine, but in my very innards
So long I have been running away from you
Taking devious turns, fleeing from your presence
Now I discern, like a hound you were after me
Through shadowed tunnels, you were following me
That’s why now I see you through the mist
In me, now is an insatiable thirst
To feel your love that serves as balm
Madly I ran once, struggling to keep pace
With the spinning world moving very fast
To catch at the illusory pleasures
Now my mind languishes in the prison of my own make
And wearily I trudge through valleys dark
With burdens heavy on my drooping shoulders
In me, now is an insatiable thirst
To hear your whispered words in deep quietude
To calm my fears and to be filled with hope
To feel your presence and to see you close
To hold your hand and to be led by you
To be held close like a babe to its mother
To seek comfort, to find rest and to feel blest
Finally to get united with you, Oh! Lord and my God!

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