It is nothing but it is your fond memories
If the soul doesn’t find you beside me
Then ask me what is an uneasy and jittery?
Among people how I feel lonely!
As if my life will end and meet with death
My blood starts to clot and chocks my breath
The heaven cracks and the hell starts to turn green
All hopes and dreams lost in the chaos and din
In the mind is going on a storm and lighting
As if the solar system has stopped its spinning.
Worries unsettle and tension kills me slowly
Your memories are not letting me die peacefully.
Your thought thrills me to the core very deeply
The pulse and the heart start beating quickly.
Even For a moment If I don’t see you in front of my eyes
The whole body starts to shake and the soul cries
My nerve breaks and the heart starts to fret in fear
So Come close, more close so that we can smell each other.