As I can write what i wish
And can earn as much as i like
Yet when i open and see my page
I look from top to down
Side to side
Yet nowhere do i find
You are recognized
Sometimes i think
I am very unfortunate
Few millions more
In my bank account I suppose,
Would have been great,
Take into account
From now on
i will sell my poems
And by that money
I will a buy a foreign car
Build a house
And book a hotel
On the occasion
To celebrate poetry
Entry passes
Will be for high and few
I will be with them
I will be with you too.

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the old road warriors,
need to pack up and go…
go where we have to go,
do what we have to do,
give what we have to give…
to bring the change!
we have both seen,
and felt the wind.
have touched the fire,
have reached to the sky.
we have loved with a passion,
they dont even know…
the scars we wear,
are our own!
maybe if we make the sacrifice first,
it will bring courage,
bring hope, bring desire,
to those who havent yet lived.
and maybe we’ll find the strength
in our own mistakes,
to move the mountain
that bears our names!

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Is such a waste of time,
Who really cares just how you feel?
Or if you’re prose or rhyme,
But poets are a Dreamer’s race,
The pen flows on its own,
And even if they have no case,
They want to set a tone.
Poetry sometimes is like lace,
An ornament to have,
But when it’s written from the heart,
You’ve got the winning card.
As long as there are dreams to have,
There will be Poetry,
And many Ships that still will sail,
The Imaginary Seas.

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