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Throughout theMystic’slife,
perfect society eitherin the past, the EuropeanMiddle Ages, or in thenon-western world, Asia.
Walk in love,
loved you and gaveHimself up for us,an offering and asacrifice to Godas a fragrant aroma.(Ref. to Ephesians 5: 2of the New Testament)
In parting with
he parted with Godfor God’s sake and yetGod remained to himas God is in his own nature,not as he is conceivedby anyone to be,nor yet as somethingto be achievedbut more as an is-ness,as God really is.
Existence itself
denominator that bindsall together in theunity of being.In this mode of vision,there is nosubject-object division,for the vision entersinto the flow of beingwhich is beyondand prior tosubject-object division.
Spiritual perfection
twofold way of charity:service of neighborand our direct questfor God’s love.Many of us discoverways to loveour neighbor,but few achieveintimacy with Godbecause we don’tknow how to prepareourselves properlyto reach this exalted goalof achieving completeintimacy with God.The path ismapped outcenturies agoby many religiousmonks and leadersof the world religionswho were acclaimedmasters of thecontemplative life.
I am conscious of my inner Self.
My negative experiences of lifeare occasions to work on my inner Selfto understand my dualities.It is this process of purificationthat leads me closer to my inner Self.(This was published by me in Micropoet under the name of my beloved mother Genova Maaa who passed away at the young age of 38. I published for a…