Other chickens had been banned
rooster found them somewhat bland.
He had named her ‘Horny Heather’,
as she was, in wind and weather
always in a certain mood,
others had been more subdued.
In the day they loved their walking,
hand in hand and he was talking.
(Did I tell you she was lewd?
always in a certain mood?)
Walks would take them to the brook,
where she asked him ‘Wanna Fook? ‘
But the rooster, being shy
after straightening his tie
told her language was a culture
that she talked just like a vulture,
that the word would not be Fook,
he could prove it with his book..
Said the hen ‘You lazy rooster,
I am your libido booster,
coming from the North Atlantic
where the chickens are romantic
and where faulty pronunciation
never hinders fornication.
You can run like Forrest Gooomp
I’m inviting you to hooomp.’

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