For everybody knows
Amidst fear, love grows
It is not the game
But it natural comes
Someone gets it and feel heartened
Someone is failed in it gets disheartened
But never regret
Time may pass it as bad fate
Nothing bad out of It may emerge
As time may heal in time and oblige
Love is divine gift
It should have no rift
It can have some shift
But after all it is needed to lift
Worse may be done if felt at heart
Treachery and deception is very good art
But nothing comes as surprise in if it is game
All are same and equally to be blamed

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For everybody knows
Amidst fear, love grows
It is not the game
But it naturally comes
Someone gets it and feel heartened
Someone is failed in it gets disheartened
But never regret
Time may pass it as bad fate
Nothing bad out of It may emerge
As time may heal in time and oblige
Love is divine gift
It should have no rift
It can have some shift
But after all it is needed to lift
Worse may be done if felt at heart
Treachery and deception is very good art
But nothing comes as surprise in if it is game
All are same and equally to be blamed

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