For years he coached the Millstreet young footballers
And he became known beyond his Homeplace.
Jimmy Cronin had a stroke but he recovered
A young man at heart though in years getting old
In Millstreet Town his name will live forever
For he is one who has a ‘heart of gold’
When Jimmy Cronin owned the Holiday House at West End
So many locals used to visit there
Timmy Connors, Paddy Dinneen and Clem Kelleher amongst others
The place to go for the pool or card player.
The topic often would be Gaelic football
Of how Millstreet were not the club they used to be
The Holiday House the spot for reminiscing
About Millstreet’s heady days of seventy three.
for many years Jimmy lived out of Millstreet
Near New York City in the U S A
I often heard him talk of his adventures
Of how he often walked down old Broadway.
Every community needs a Jimmy Cronin
Though his type increasingly becoming rare
In Duhallow his name will live on forever
For people like him you won’t find every where.

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