And magpie flutes his happy notes and golden whistler sing
And kookaburra’s laughter from the gums of Selby ring.
At Nash’s Christmas party held in Alec’s front yard
the ladies with their babies their husbands drinking hard
And December in Australia a happy time of year
The Christmas spirit in the air and jump in sales of beer.
At Nash’s Christmas party only one Homesick face
Her thoughts are of a distant Land a cold and wetter place
And Rosie talked of Northern Ireland and her home in County Down
And the kin and friends she knew and loved in and near Bannbridge Town.
I miss my home in Ireland that’s what Rosie did say
And I’d love to be in Bannbridge for dinner Christmas Day
To meet my kin and family and friends I love so dear
I’d love to be in Bannbridge around this time of year.
But she won’t spend this Christmas in Bannbridge in Bannbridge miles away
In weather cold and windy when frost turn green grass gray
She’ll spend Christmas in Victoria lying in the Summer sun
And though she may not realize it she is the lucky one.
At Nashs Christmas party the booze and grub are free
And the talk is of tree clearing and of how best to trim a tree
But in this happy gathering I see one Homesick face
And her thoughts are of a distant Land a cold and wetter place

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