Each piece brings different words to match his beautiful notes.
The sound of it fills my ears and penetrates my subconscious, settling there to stir thinking in my mind.
Thoughts exploding, falling out one after another to fill pages with what his music brings to me.
Happily, I sit and write continuously until I feel a need to stop and rest.
Forgetting time and daily routines – sitting – writing – not knowing anything going on around me.
It’s beautiful! It is contemplation on another plain – another dimension – where I am free to be – free to express desires without remarks running rampant from other people’s ideas.
Chopin is the love of my mind’s eye – in his music I am set free!
Chopin’s Etude in E flat minor is my all-time favorite piece to write to.
It touches my mind in a very special way, because it holds my heart each and every time.
Allowing peace to fill my being, so I may write without stopping, all ideas it fills me with.

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