Some wallow in their poor me syndrome they do like to have a good moan
And if you weep for yourself only then surely you will weep alone.
Let the last day be the hardest though heavy your cross seems to bear
There are millions far more worse off than you in the bigger World out there
And they try to get on with living though they cannot look beyond today
The poor victims of bad circumstances on which they do not have a say.
Let the last day be the hardest your better days well may be gone
But life it will go on without you your test is to keep living on
When you moan that the World is against you then you are not exactly spreading cheer
The fact is that your hard done by stories few if any does wish for to hear.
Let the last day be the hardest you laugh in the face of despair
And more people will want to know you than if you seem burdened by care
So many are hungry and homeless and Stateless survival for them is their greatest fight
Compared to them you are so lucky and your problems do seem so light.

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