wars 100% with China … and leave
the burden of the debt for the
American taxpayer to pay.
meanwhile, you take the billions
(maybe trillions) of dollars profit
that you make on defense contracts,
etc … and put it in your pockets.
i’ve only been in the business world
for about 25 years but i know.
(forgetting the moral and ethical
implications) as we say
here in the south:
‘that dog dont hunt! ‘

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Nor do you know who you are?
Wouldn’t you be better off claiming to have amnesia?
That will give the people who think they know you,
A reason to continue to ignore you…
And you will have a reason not to care!
Think about it!
At least you will commit to do something constructive.
And no one will notice how good you are at it!
You wont have to worry about impressing anyone.
Test me…
I’ll let you know if it works!

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Or that time, when we first met,
As Time stopped, the world did too
And existing from that moment,
There was you and only you.
How you filled my empty life,
With the dreams of ‘it’s just right’
How I’ve loved you ever since,
How you saved me from despair,
Knowing, love for life was there.

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We question,
Leading to discovery,
To think is to Be,
What are We?
That’s also a Mystery!

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