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Wishing never accomplishes anything, just gives you an empty feeling when they are not fulfilled to your expectations.
Deeper, edges are more defined and sparkle exactingly into beautiful artful prose.
A harmonizing figure of music
by a heart-felt fellow,coming close to heaven as hisharmonica plays his soul onhorizons of life.
Silently leaves change color as our lives change from day to day.
Prejudice sits idly by, dusty with age, forgotten by most as part of an ugly past.Thankfully we meet and talk, not noticing colors of people’s skin, just the beautiful colors they are within.Loving others for who they are becoming while talking to us.We unknowingly help each other every time we meet to become the person…
Soundly listening to algorithms of musical formulas, intellectualizing every note and placing it into accountable treasures fit for royalty, yet given freely to anyone with an open mind.
Calculating interiorly, sounding every beat with intense fire and contemplative silence.Inside, burning with an intellectual ferocity of purpose.
Roping sorrowful thoughts into poems of depth, as I think of all the times love has left me alone and bereft through the years.
Only this time it will be because you have gone beyond the fading shores of life, leaving me behind.Trusting in promises of doubtful hope, I’ll continue life alone.
Ruffled unendingly in a maze of puzzles,
of friendship.Trying to get better at it,yet, I falter and stumble every step ofthe way, and I just can’t seem to be ableto figure it out.Silent beings sitting around in my mind,quiet talk among themselves, wonderinghow they can help out and turn thingsaround.