There is a space or building is used for this,
Nugatory things are sold, nobody does hiss.
It is a place where everything people get,
Time to time it does differ in market rate.
Section by section commodities are arranged to sell,
For purchasing; these attract persons and compel.
In a line people avail flowers, leaves and vegetable,
Earthen pots are somewhere, fitments are attractable.
Clothes for men women and children are available here,
People purchase as per need paying amount clear.
Grocery shops are available in as section they stand,
People purchase for a week as per money at hand.
Herbivores are sold in a separate corner of this market,
Different types of seeds and herbicide people do get.
A to Z or needle to thread weekly people do get here,
But the remarkable thing is that every people should hear.
Some preachers come and with music they preach people,
God is one and merciful they say them with sample.
All are brothers and sisters same soul it is the religion,
Hot sun becomes soft and cold when it sits on horizon.
Blood of each person is equally red and same,
We must honour and praise instead of blame.

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