Piercing the atmosphere with a miracle of
musical intensity, emanating from within and
given unselfishly to all who are present,
listening closely, intently with precision.
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Quiet desperation showing through
No one knowing the silence of his lifeoutside the harmony of his voice.Retreating from love, yet not a soulhas noticed what is going on right infront of their eyes.An event of quiet desperation neverbeing noticed, as tears fall silentlywithin his voice.
Strength waning, feeling out on a limb
Keeping together by thought placed in manypoems throughout life.Precluding any possible missteps whilemoving forward.
Watching screens of aging complacency erupt into poems of love across lines of believable endurance.
Folding away ideas and letting knowledge take a back seat to imagination’s wit and wisdom.Focusing always on energetic moments of entire ages, following them along trails, solving puzzles of tomorrow.
Awakening from a silent dream, touching my mind with a quiet sensation.
Alone, swinging to rhythms while silently writing down everything with a pen.
Centering in times, elapsing,
creating new recipes to put into writing poetry.Mixing abstractions with cognitive abilities,just to see what will appear on many pages.Seeing the exhausting visions protruding fromevery nook and crevice of my mind.Expanding, illuminating everything, all imagesare jumping in the light, wanting to be seen indaylight hours.Not wanting to hide anymore, giving their all –feelings and emotions…
Insight into sadness is tactile, keen, hurtful, yet helps us get through our grief in time.
Never perfect, we wallow in tears at times, not wanting to go on living.Listening to our heartbeat’s rhythm, pumping away at life, as tears flow constantly with every reminder and memory brought to mind.