of time in
fact be an
a phenomenon
created in our
brains that
has no ultimate
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Gandhiji illustrated
with innumerable parallelsfrom the Christian tradition,while fully recognizinghis Hindu dharma basis,and concludes thatthe awakeningof the Indian mindin Gandhi was notsimply the awakeningof a distinctly Hinduform of interior life.It was for the entire world.Hence Gandhi’s messagewas valid for Indiaand for himselfas it representedthe awakening of a new world.
Obviously there is a span,
beginning and the end,which, for lack of a betterexpression, is called time.Time is the divinely createdsphere of God’s preservingand redemptive work.It is the arena of man’sdecision on his wayto an eternal destiny.
The ascent to knowledge begins
and carnal man’s abilities are shattered.The experience of pain in lifeis a gift of God to alert us tomalfunctions of the flesh and the spirit.The society so constricts manthat he never has an opportunityto give in to the creativeimpulse with which he is born.
For the believers,
in the church,at home or onthe graves alsopoints to thefundamental truthof Christian faith:Jesus Christ,who through hisdeath on the crossand his resurrectionovercame thefinality of death,is himself the lightin the darkness of death.(Graphic: A D saved to Pic ‘n Verse,Kuva&Jae Pinterest) .
Since we are the
must becomethe sons of God.As we grow inour understandingof this identity,we are able tobring our strengthrather than ourneed for validationto the world.We become thekind of personwho can prevailin any circumstance,and we recoverdeep and lasting joy.
The critique of Marx
the existenceof a view ofwhat the idealhuman orderought to look like.These valueshave a history,and their creativeunfolding towardscreative humanselfrealisationin the trulyhuman society is,precisely whatMarx is all about.