Why are many of us so self centred we live for me, myself and I?
To me we are only mere mortals we live for awhile and we die,
Those who preach to us of good and evil to their God hymns of praise do sing
In truth are not God loving people their words to them have a judgemental ring
Judge not and thou shalt not be judged words often quoted
how judgemental some seem to be
When we lose our compassion for others we do lose our humanity,
I do not yearn for power over others each to their own it does seem to me
In a human World that is success driven of the judgements of others we’ll never be free
Too few willing to mind their own business suppose ’tis all about exerting over others our power
Big Brother us is always watching every minute of every hour
And in this Human World of so much hypocrisy I have become a confused man
But the lust for life is always in me and I will live for as long as I can.

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