Brothers and sisters of the world,
I greet you with Namaste, I say hello!
How are you my eternal brothers,
The Children of same God, our father,
You feel my emotion and love!
Please do not be frightened at present,
Corona has brought up darkness
But this darkness will not last for long,
Sun will shine gaining power of God,
Virus will no more like to live here!
Please use your time in reading and writing
You work hard and nourish creativity,
I promise you to read and write good reviews,
I serve for you selflessly,
I need nothing in return,
Oh my dear own brothers and sisters,
Your happiness is my happiness!
However reading and reviewing is my freedom!
My freedom I do not give in your hand,
And I do not take your freedom at all!
Time values more, I love to work hard,
A high degree is not a measure of writing,
If any one defames, you do not bother,
There are many poets in the world
Who have no high degree but
They have high poetic talents,
Doing research on them scholars take high degrees,
A degree is given by a university,
There is no doubt that
A degree has high value in material world,
From a degree a man gets high job and
He earns high money,
A degree may make a man wealthy giving high earning,
But a degree may not make a man good human being,
However creativity is given by God,
Only God’s wisdom can make you good human beings,
Respecting God, you go on writing!
During this danger of Corona Virus
Are not you offering prayer to our God?
Be aware! Be aware! If a man is spreading Corona,
Maintain your social distance from him,
As he is your brother you can help him from far,
You can kindly offer prayer before God
For his recovery and long life,
You kindly stand far but take care!
Much dangerous is the man who is like crocodile,
Who takes your emotion and plays cutting down you,
Then he cries like crocodile and attracts attention,
Who tries to divide you and take advantage,
Dangerous is the man who divides you by nationality,
By caste, colours and religions,
However we consider you as our own
We have no differentiation!
The whole world is our family!
Be aware, be aware if a man is evil,
Using your emotion he may engulf you,
Dangerous is the man who has hunger of reciprocation,
Who has selfish motive, greedy and vicious attitude,
Be aware! Be aware! oh dear poets!
He has started defaming us
Telling that he is only original and others as fake,
However we all are true and original,
Be aware and stay away!
You leave the hand of violence
And freely join your own hands for nonviolence,
Here we are releasing a timely warning!
You be cautious, or else you will repent!
Time is in your hand still,
You be with God and good human beings!
© Kumarmani Mahakul,03 April 2020. All rights reserved.

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