The hills, cultures and dialects
Of it,
I could not
The land of the Nagas
Closer to Myanmar
Just on the fringe,
Edge of
To slip into passes
To transgress
The borders.

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The hills, cultures and dialects
Of it,
I could not
The land of the Nagas
Closer to Myanmar
Just on the fringe,
Edge of
To slip into passes
To transgress
The borders.

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How to take to?
Naga sect and society,
Art and tradition,
Life and culture?
People feared to
Venture into
In the past.
Only aghora sadhakas en route to Kamakhya
Dared to visit
The exotic land.

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The Naga villages,
Naga life and culture,
Natural habitats and scenery,
Hilly, rocky, forested,
Full of highlands and downs.
Nagaland which I could not know it,
Could not feel it ever before,
The land of the Nagas,
Naga villages and tribes
With their native aboriginal culture and tradition
With which vibrated and throbbed it,
Going by the vibes of it
Taking to far and beyond.
The hills, the greens,
The exotic flora and fauna,
The highlands and the downs,
Calling us, calling for a visit,
Nagaland and its Naga villages,
Naga huts and habitations,
Naga landscape and scenery
So pristine and primitive.

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