God is present everywhere transcending everything
That follows natural laws framed by Universal God
Tho’ man makes scientific revolutions by technology!
For the worn out souls poetry gives inspiration, energy;
Natural God inspires, energies and invigorates souls
As Nature, painting, music and poetry do to all men!
Religions are various routes to reach this one God –
Infinite truth, love, beauty, joy, peace and bliss for all!
All the good things of all the world religions I accept;
All unscientific and superstitious things I cannot accept;
Forgiveness for sins like murder, rape and terrorism of
All kinds of religions, heaven and hell I cannot accept;
Dharma or natural justice for up gradation I accept!
Ideas of avatars, messiahs, prophets and guide I analyse;
There is One God for all religions though vary by names;
But only one messiah alone I cannot accept for atonement!
God need not create prophets to save and guide mankind;
God can do all things through good people around us too!
The creative power of poets I see as the work of one God;
The ideas that help all develop I see as the expression of God;
The beauties I see everywhere is the reflections of one God;
Nature, Books and Music are the instruments of God’s voice;
The music I hear everywhere is the echo of one God’s voice!
Forgiving after confession, last prophets are humbugs of religions;
All sins have to be ended by being born here again and again;
Complete atonement is achieved by rebirths till attaining moksha.
No one can escape from the clutches of Dharma, the laws of God
Though man escapes from the laws of man taking asylum in creed!

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