I preserved to the heart and consider as super class
Took special care to feel easy at pass
It has all its charm
Nothing has been done to harm
It still waits for warm welcome
When will you respond and come?
I too have loved from heart
I was for it from the very start
Love is not only gift but an art
We got to be careful not to part
It may pain me more
If it is blamed anymore
It is so sacred and retained as such
Do not think a lot or so much
It may take longer than expected
It is to be adored and respected
It is heavenly gift and not given to all
Luck is those who understand and respond the call
Will you be sincere enough to obey?
Bow down to almighty and pray
Oh, God! Give me the strength to withstand
Give m e insight to know her as friend
I shall stand in no way or obstruct
My conscience will definitely guide me and instruct
I shall prove it to be a noble act
I love you from is like day light fact
It is not body alone
Soul too has to be won
It may be then be called real bondage
The golden story will be written on page
Come and join to make it success
Have all doubts cleared with open access
I was ever your and remain so in future
Take every word of mine for sure
I was at pain to learn about loose remark
It was as if a loud noise from dog with bark
How can one think of so bad for pure form?
One should always remain firm and better informed
It is definitely a pulsating current
It may go up and down and may not look apparent
It needs purest form to realize the pulse
It can not be termed impure or anything else
It deserves highest attention and regard
One must be positive and look forward
There me some setbacks initially
It must be given go by really
So many people loose the heart at slight provocation
It really speaks bad and does not give good indication
The distrust has no place at all and is ruled out of question
One must be assertive and stand firmly in his position

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