You got to make it heaven
At the cost of you life even
Make it worth
Even if pain and agony comes forth
See that you have lived life
Even though it may have double edge of knife
Life on earth is really a blessing
You may find everything missing
There won’t be anything worth
Yet it is beautiful on earth
You may have free air
But still doesn’t look everything fair
You may have rivers plenty of water
Yet you may think it to alter
You may find high mountains
Still more height of it you may maintain
You may think always in term of gain
Get puzzled with little of shock and pain
So take it as chance to see and think
Everything here is not to sink
Take whatever benefit you can
Love the beauty of nature and become a fan
Nature may reward
If you enjoy and look forward
Think it is creation of almighty God
Every object may seem as beautiful as Lord
Your stay is for limited span
Swim over water as white swan
Enjoy every surface you come across
You may everything in his Cross
I, for one, may go for simple stay
Greet the things which may come on the way
Enjoy all beautiful things created on earth
I may enjoy even end resulting into death

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