Of stress that eat my happiness away
And I’ve not felt as good as this for many a day.
Today I went for walk down by the sea
And a flock of gannets fishing I did see
And it’s one of Nature’s most breath taking sights
To watch them dive for fish from such a height.
With human the gannet’s life can be compared
Their nesting rock with other gannets shared
From early age they learn to soar and dive
And only the best and strongest can survive.
The gannet’s life in many ways like man
And few of them live out their natural span
But unlike man the gannet truly free
And gannet’s grave will always be the sea.
Of late this life has not been good to me
But like the gannet now my spirit free
Of stress that eat my happines away
And I’ve not felt as good as this for many a day.

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