Oh no,
No, no, no,
Was it,
Was it,
That made I,
Made I a mistake,
Oh no,
Oh no,
No, no, no
Made I, made I
A mistake,
In realizing,
Realizing it,
Feeling it?
O, O, O,
What could I,
Could I then
My love, love,
My love, love,
Na, na, na, never so, never so,
Never so, my love
Which you couldn’t,
Couldn’t believe it
Now, my love,

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To try to understand you.
Not when you have issues,
Dealing with reality.
That is not why I am here!
Nor my responsibility…
To ensure your life is made clear.
If it isn’t for you now,
All the understanding I could share…
Will go absolutely nowhere with you.
‘That’ I already comprehend.
No longer will I defend,
A clarity you will never see.
You wish to perceive a fantisized existence…
That has a resistance to growing pains.
As long as things remain the same…
You are fine!
Our minds are quite different.
I am not trying to hold on,
To what I know should be let go!
And if that includes you,
To continue to pursue my life to live…
That will be done!
I am not the one for charity give aways,
That do not appreciate or value the delivery…
Purpose or reason!

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