Sing ye, praise unto the Lord
For He is the mighty reservoir of love
I see His love in the charm of blooms
I feel it in the chime of winds
I hear it in the song of birds
I taste it in the warmth of friends
God’s abiding love comes my way
Without asking, it is showered on me.
Yesterday, Today and all the days to come
That’s how God willed it to be.
He, my fortress when enemies surround
He, my harbour when storms rage
He, my comfort when strength wanes
He, my ally in the wars I wage
He lifts me up as I stumble and fall
He carries me when I lag behind
This limping lamb of His hundred fold
Can His love be repaid, flowing in torrent?
In my sinful heart, Oh Lord, you come n’ bide
And with your loving presence, lift my load
Then my soul, in blissful state will reside
And nothing more in life, I shall need!

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