on the Divine,
renouncing attachment
and looking upon
success and failure
with an equal eye.
implies equanimity.
[Trans. Purohit Swami]’
(Anonymous, The Bhagavad Gita)
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‘He is imageless and Pure.
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Let us think of
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to person, the creationof emotional intelligencealso varies accordingly.Anyone who hasever worked in atoxic work environmentcan attest to the importanceof increasing empathyin this space.
Remember, we are to
in this process ofpractical sanctification.Step by step alongthe path towardsthe goal ofHoliness,Little by little,we are beingconformed intothe image of God.
You are born in love.
Love is your natural state.Hatred and evilare from the powersof darknesswho likes to devour you.
Sexual desire is
Although it maylead us to temptationand sin,God has given ussexual desire toremind us thatwe were made for love.