Limits placed upon an isolated consciousness…
Is set for all to witness a diminished outlook,
That comes.
This process has been progressing,
As a quality of life digresses…
In disrespecting acceptance.
They have been pimped.
Used as unchanged doormats.
Hoping if they kept lips tucked shut…
They would be bestowed and blessed,
With materialistic wishes for the rest of their lives.
They believed lies even delivered from their priests.
They had to keep and maintain a ‘presence’.
Wishing never to ever see themselves as peasants.
And using every trick to pull to thrive on ignorance.
On bended knees they plead,
For a restoration of a gluttonous quality of life to return.
And finally they have received their wish!
An existence completed by greed that leaves them,
With backs burdened with stacked unhappiness.
Stunned by the stinging.
And pawns of a perfected deceit.
To get all of them to believe…
If they were in debt,
At least they would feel more patriotic.
Products of a medicated psychoticness.
And disposable with each available excuse made…
To have them disregard their investments,
Placed upon a valued sense of what and who they are.
Or were…
At this point!
And the vanishing need to keep feeding the marketing of fear.
A commodity used to fill the pockets of their abusers.
I’m glad you’re done.
All you had to say was ‘addictions enslave’.’
But ‘where’ is the flair in that?
There is no subjugation that devours its victims!

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