And the glory of the martyr will be mine
When I sacrifice my life for Palestine.
An eighteen year old girl known to be shy
Around her waist explosives she did tie
Under her cardigan and coat where none could see
How could anyone suspect one such as she? .
That a teenager still a decade from her prime
Would even contemplate such a callous crime
By in the taking of her own life inflict death and pain
Would be way beyond the many to explain? .
She walked into Jerusalem up to a super store
Where she was stopped from entering at the door
And then she detonated her explosives killing herself as well as two
And twenty five were wounded as the shrapnel flew.
To her mentors her death was not an act of shame
For only the bravest die in Allah’s name
She killed and died for Palestine they say
And her name will live for forever and a day.
But her mentors don’t have much to celebrate
For her victims did not deserve such a fate
They instilled in her the desire to kill for God and State
And they applaud the evil they create.

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