But feeling this we feel peace,
Silence has greater power to behold,
This holds very fine vibrations,
When we meditate to gain concentration,
Silence holds our hands and minds,
In stillness we feel inner life.
When we project ourselves then,
We realize astral projection,
This motivates us with greater value,
Silence is a broader realm of science,
In this state only we feel nature,
Nature’s power regulates our journey,
Through silence only we communicate
We communicate to invisible world
As well as we communicate to God,
This is mysterious but this is truth.
Whisper of silence is full of values,
When in calm state of mind we hear,
We remember values for long time,
Gaining goodness and joyous attitudes,
We move forward and feel this creation.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,04 January 2019. All rights reserved.

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