a profound way of being
and perceiving reality
that we each carry within.
Through those spiritual
experiences, we can learn
to use to bring about
a more conscious,
connected, and spiritual
way of living that is
literally just waiting
for us to give us a
glimpse of consciousness.
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Philanthropic ideasor any concernfor the commongood or any regardfor social orderbased on therule of law,are based solelyon theism andindividualaccountabilityafter death.
Those living in
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The weeping prophet of Israel,
demise of Jerusalemand lamented over theruins of David’s golden citywrote in deep faith and hope:‘You drew near whenI called on You, ‘Jeremiah declared.‘You said, ‘Do not fear –Do not be afraid! ‘Lamentations 3: 57 of the Holy Bible (NASB)
There were laws
sorcery, thedisadvantagedin society, money,property, andlending laws.God set beforethe nation arange of legallaws including,employment law,the treatmentof servants, murderand manslaughterlaws, and lawsdealing withviolent assault.(Ref. to. In Exodus 21of the Holy Bible)
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and intense, that itdefies expression.It is communicatedin the dazzling dark.In the welcoming silencelie hidden, the eternal truths.In the intensityof their darknesslay God’s revelations.
All who have trusted
forgiveness of sinand life everlastingare one with Him,identified with Him,heirs of God andjoint heirs with Christ,for we are partof His Body – not onlyin this world but alsoin the ages to come.