it looked so immaculate, spotlessly blue
When the noise of cosmic hiss subsided
and wind withdrew to an unknown hideout,
there was a hush- the hush that follows
as a priest concludes his spirited sermon
In that quiet when dream and life coalesced
I saw leaves trembling in the cold
dragonflies performing a ballet in the air
their wings catching glints of sunlight
spiders moving round crystal studded webs
repairing the broken filaments of their gossamer
and birds from trees taking off into sky
Enjoying a pervasive sense of peace
and heart soaked in pure mirth
humming the lyrics of a half forgotten song
I walked down through cobbled paths
feeling the wetness beneath my feet
to savor the beauty of Nature
newly bathed in profuse vernal shower
Suddenly the light blazoned
giving a golden glow to leaves
and the suspended rain drops
glittered like sparkling gems
Mesmerized by the beauty of the scene
there wobbled shiny silver droplets of joy
in my heart too, struggling to be spilled out!

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