You have to carefully understand,
When soul enters into a body
Life settles with new body
Inside mother’s womb,
And a complete human form is built,
And this human form is called as man
Soul within human body is driver,
Through his vibratory power
Soul regulates senses and body parts.
Soul has natural freedom to think,
When soul thinks, this is his thought,
Thought is root of action of his,
When soul does something to achieve his aim,
This work-done is regarded as action,
Soul performs action and
Soul himself is not the action,
Soul is consciousness to enjoy fruit of action,
This fruit which he enjoys as happiness or sorrow
It is his previous doing’s reaction
That comes sooner or later depending upon
Nature’s process of judgement!
Every fruit of action soul enjoys through his body.
Sometimes soul performs negative actions
Due to negative thoughts generated in mind,
Through these he earns sins and receives sorrow.
Sometimes soul performs positive actions
Due to positive thoughts generated in mind,
And he earns virtues and receives happiness,
Carefully we have to understand the truth.
Thought and action both depend upon
The mental state of soul within body,
Soul should be careful ever to maintain purity,
Pure thought can give rise to pure action,
A pure action gives rise to favourable reaction.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,14 December 2018. All rights reserved.

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