And that shows in her public appearances.
Flawless diction.
Eloquent with undeniable intelligence.
Extremely cool under pressure.
You must agree,
She has an engaging personality.
You must agree,
She has been noticeably absent of late.’
Give her a break.
Cut her some slack.
You know she has been traveling the world,
Patching up indifferences.
And easing volatile tensions at that!
Who are ‘you’ referring to? ‘
Secretary of State!
I thought you were talking about Michelle Obama! ‘
She does not yet have a title.
She doesn’t command an elected position.
‘I know and she’s doing all of that without having it!
You can not be talking about that Rice woman? ‘
Who said anything about expectations of her being effective?
For eight years she has done what she was suppose to do.
Give the ‘image’!
After all…
Can you say,
Her deception revealed one hint of being disloyal?
Can you?
She was glued to the script!
Her smile and demeanor…
A class ‘act’!
Let’s just say,
She was the best looking one who took centerstage.

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