No, you haven’t seen this amazing world yet.
You are a girl born in the eastern society,
where parents keep their daughters confined at home,
very few liberties they enjoy but when they fall in love,
they learn how to lie in love,
telling their parents
that they are going to attend birthday ceremony
of one of their class mates
they come to meet their boy friend here at the lonely beach.
And so you did.
But sitting at the noisy shore,
my eyes are not at the silent couple,
I know you are looking at me,
at this lonely place you don’t see anyone else,
and when you see me looking at the kite,
flying at the sky,
you get an opportunity to kiss each other,
I see a kite full of passion
flying against the wind,
the thread is in someone’s hand,
blow of sea breeze is mighty and strong enough
to break the thread,
and it broke the thread,
I can see the kite flying uncontrolled,
I don’t know where it will go,
but I know its fate,
It will fall somewhere in the deep ocean.
I don’t want to see your end like that of a kite!
I wish like salmon and herring,
after enjoying this romance,
this adventure in the ocean,
you go back to the fresh water
swimming against the streams
for breeding of life,
and when time spreads molten silver at your head,
you come back again at this lonely beach,
to recollect the gone lovely moments,
and wish to another couple,
what I wished to you,
for the sake of love only.

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